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전체카테고리보기 버튼

Mysql_Query : select *,(case when goods_stock > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as stock_view,a.uid as uid from morning_goods_table as a left join morning_category_table as b on a.goods_category = b.category_id where goods_class = '0' and a.approval_date > '0' and goods_mcategory_del != '15000000' and ( ( replace(goods_name, ' ', '') like '%%' ) or ( replace(goods_advance, ' ', '') like '%%' ) or ( replace(goods_keyword, ' ', '') like '%%' ) or ( replace(goods_brand, ' ', '') like '%%' ) or ( replace(goods_company, ' ', '') like '%%' ) ) and ( substring(goods_category,1,8) = '05180305' or substring(goods_mcategory1,1,8) = '05180305' or substring(goods_mcategory2,1,8) = '05180305' or substring(goods_mcategory3,1,8) = '05180305' or substring(goods_mcategory4,1,8) = '05180305' or substring(goods_mcategory5,1,8) = '05180305' ) and goods_grant <= 0 order by register_date desc limit 0, 30
Mysql_Error : Column 'register_date' in order clause is ambiguous
Mysql Error Num : 1052
